Advanced Dental Technology & Comforts Springfield

Where a Modern Approach Meets Optimal Patient Comfort

Dentistry can often be viewed in a negative light because of the technology and equipment used. While traditional dental putty was once the only way to capture impressions, newer methods are now used, creating a more enjoyable and stress-free experience. If you’d like to learn more about the types of technologies we use in-house to deliver a more modern approach to our patients, take a look below and give us a call if you have any questions.

Digital Impressions

When a customized restoration needs to be created, our team at Grand Dental Studio can make the process easy and more convenient with digital impressions. Unlike traditional dental putty that was often messy and caused patients to gag, this method uses a handheld device that scans your teeth and creates a three-dimensional model for technicians to use when fabricating your new tooth or teeth.

Soft Tissue Laser

When your teeth are not the issue but instead your gums, it can be helpful to have a technique that allows dentists to provide treatment carefully (and more comfortably). With the help of a soft tissue laser, we can eliminate the need for regular scalpels and sutures and instead, rely on the convenience and ease of a concentrated beam of light that targets harmful bacteria and removes excess tissue.

Intraoral Camera

The intraoral cameras we use in-house make it easy for us to educate patients like yourself on the importance of good oral hygiene. Giving you a first-hand view of the inside of your mouth, you can easily see problem areas and learn about how they form. This unique device also makes it possible for our team of experts to pinpoint areas that require immediate care.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

To take the edge off when visiting the dentist’s office, we are pleased to offer nitrous oxide sedation. As a mild solution also known as laughing gas, it is safe for patients of all ages and helps to reduce any fears or anxieties related to oral healthcare. Instead, you can expect to remain at ease and completely comfortable while in the dentist’s chair, and you’ll be able to resume normal activity immediately following your appointment.