Cosmetic Dentistry Springfield

From Imagination to Reality: Get the Smile You Want

Why does everyone on TV have pristine white teeth? Did they win the genetic lottery? While that might be true in some cases, the truth is that the majority of movie stars, pro athletes, models, and chart-topping musicians have gotten cosmetic dentistry over the years—the same kind you can get right here at Grand Dental Studio. From minor updates to dramatic makeovers and everything in between, you can call to schedule a consultation with Drs. Matthews and Robertson, as we can help you achieve the look you’ve always desired faster (and more affordably) than you might think.

Why Choose Grand Dental Studio for Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • We Consider Everything So You Don’t Have To
  • In-Office & Take-Home Teeth Whitening Available
  • Beautiful Results Custom Designed for You


Veneers almost sound too good to be true when you learn about them, but we’ve already used them to help countless patients. Small porcelain shells are placed over the teeth, and they can be used to cover stains, chips, cracks, gaps, and even make slightly crooked teeth appear straight. The entire process only takes about two appointments to complete, and they are highly customizable and can easily last for 20+ years with minimal maintenance.

Cosmetic Bonding

Cosmetic bonding is a quick and effective fix for patients who just have one stain, chip, or otherwise imperfect tooth that bothers them. Composite resin is applied to the enamel and shaped to make the offending flaw disappear. After it has been dried and polished, it will look like nothing was ever wrong with the tooth in the first place. 

Teeth Whitening

Whitening your teeth is one of the simplest and fastest ways to enhance your appearance and make yourself look years younger. Rather than spending money on underpowered products from the store, we can deliver dramatic results in just an hour or less with our in-house procedure. Or we can send you home with a professional-strength kit, so you can brighten your smile on your schedule while relaxing in your stretchy pants.